Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Miraculous Flying Kid

I was going through some old emails when I found this and it made me smile so I decided to share it.

The Miraculous Flying Kid
by Me
I knew a strange kid who wanted to fly
Who climbed a building so high in the sky
He got to the top
And thought with a flop
I probably should not have jumped, "oh my!"

Now, before you begin to cry
About the kid who decided to fly
This story's not done
It's only begun
So make sure you keep those eyes nice and dry.

Archibald, was this kid's uncommon name.
But people called him Archie just the same.
As some might say,
He was weird in a way.
He only cared about fortune and fame.

He knew what he wanted most was the fame.
And his plan had to be awesome, not lame.
So he thought and thought
Riddled with fraught
Until "Eureka!" the idea came.

He quickly started to write a manifesto,
But was interrupted by his best friend Ernesto.
He said "I think you should take,
A short little break,
And try some of my noodles and pesto."

The thing Archie liked about Ernesto
Was that he made the very best pesto.
So without delay
Archie put the work away,
Cleared the table and shouted "Presto!"

As soon as Archie finished eating,
He and Ernesto had a meeting
They had to decide
How to divide
The work they would be completing.

By teaming up the work would be fleeting
So they made a game and started competing
Archie was slow
Because he didn't know
His sluggishness was due to overeating.

When all of the work was done,
Archie knew he'd had some fun.
But he had to be serious
And a bit mysterious
So he told Ernesto he needed to run.

Archie was determined to be someone.
And he knew that his stunt would stun
So he put into motion
What would cause a commotion
And quite possibly never be outdone.

He alerted the news.
They thought it was a ruse.
"No way," he said,
"It's as real as my head,
This’ll be bigger than Howard Hughes."

He gave the media clues
To where they could find the best views.
Of his attempt,
They'd be verklempt,
But Archie was sure to amuse.

After he made the call
Archie prepared for his fall
With safety his focus
And no hocus pocus,
His room for error would be small

His equipment he had to haul
To the top of the building so tall.
He put on his gear,
Then without any fear,
Archie stepped over the safety wall.

The wind rushing past, he did hear,
He knew consequences could be severe,
But Archie hit the switch
And without a glitch,
His jet pack kicked into gear

As the crowd started to cheer
Archie's grin began to appear.
He went from a zero
To their national hero
And became an aeronautics pioneer.

1 comment:

Wendy Lady said...

Every time I read this, I can't help but smile.