It's been just over two weeks since I moved into my house and I am freaking loving it. Getting the house set up has kept me super busy on top of working full time. So here's a little recap:
Day 1 (Friday): I got the key and immediately went in a cleaned everything out. I may be messy and disorganized but I am CLEAN, meaning I scrubbed, shampooed, vacuumed and swept every conceivable surface.
Day 2: My uncle and I moved my stove and fridge in and all of the big stuff I had, book shelves, boxes, etc.. Needless to say at the end of the day my back was killing me from all that heavy lifting. I also got my very first house guest in the form of a bat. My uncle and I searched high and low trying to figure out how he might have gotten in but couldn't find anything so the only thing we figured was with the door open so much he must have snuck in without us noticing.
Day 3: I had to work that morning but after I got out I loaded my car up with more boxes (how the fuck did I fit so much shit into my room?!?!) and my sleeping bag to crash on the floor. Someone asked me the next day if it was scary spending the night alone in a new house, and honestly I wasn't bothered at all, I just remember thinking it was really quiet.
Day 4: I worked all day and started unpacking when I got home.
Day 5: See Above.
Day 6: Word of me getting my own place had spread through out the family and my great-grandma's brother had an entire living room set he was getting rid of. I said yes without even seeing the couch and chairs, I figured free was free, but I couldn't help laughing when I went to pick them up with my uncle. They were a vintage 1960's living room set. The couch and two chairs were a horrible puke green color with that futuristic stylization that the 60's were famous for. I loved them instantly. The best part was when my uncle looks at me and goes "I don't think these were ever sat on. Do realize how much this is worth?!"
Day 7: More work and unpacking with some grocery shopping thrown in.
Day 8: I went to Sears to pick out a bed for my new house. It was exciting because I had never picked out a bed before and naturally I had to test them all out. But after nearly a week of sleeping on the floor all of them felt heavenly on my back, luckily I found just the one.
Day 9: I had the day off so I decided to tackle the majority of my errands. I scooped my great-grandma up and we hit the stores. I needed basics that you never really think about until you don't have them; dish soap, garbage bags, ketchup, cooking utensils, etc.
Day 10-13: Work as usual.
Day 14: My bed was delivered! The funny thing was I was dressed for work when they came to deliver it and when I answered the door the Sears guy looks at my uniform and goes, "Traitor." I couldn't help but laugh and told him, "if only we sold mattresses." After they assembled the frame and left I flopped down on my bed and didn't want to move. I cursed having to go in to work but once I got home I swan dove onto my bed and didn't leave it until the morning.
Day 15 (Yesterday): For the past two weeks I had been hard core stalking the CraigsList furniture section and found some amazing finds. I got two brand new end tables that matched my book shelves perfectly for $15. A dresser for $30. But my favorite so far has been this real wood maple kitchen hutch. I love when people just want stuff gone, this lady asked $65 for it and I offered $35 figuring I would get an email back that went something like "Hahahahahaha...fuck off." but instead she said Sold! and told me to pick it up Saturday. When I got there to pick it up I couldn't believe she let it go for so little, I don't know much about furniture but looking at it I knew enough to know that she probably could have sold it for a couple hundred. Now it's sitting beautifully in my kitchen making my other cupboards jealous.
Day 16 (Today!): I went grocery shopping again. I think I've shopped more in the past two weeks than I have the entire past year. Now that I have my own kitchen, I have to stock it. Since I have become quite adept at cooking and would even go as far as to say I enjoy it I've noticed there is a lot my kitchen is lacking and it's making me mad because it's hindering what I can cook. One thing I did buy the moment I moved in was a CrockPot. I think everyone should learn how to use a CrockPot, it is a fucking life saver when you have to work all day and just don't have time to cook. All you do is prepare your food, drop it into the cooker, put it on low and leave for work. When you come home you have amazing-ness all ready for you to eat.
So far it has been great having my own place. I love it. People keep asking me if I'm lonely by myself and I just shake my head because clearly they don't know me and my hermit-like ways.
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