Tonight the new series "The Walking Dead" premiers on AMC, and can I just say how excited I am about it? I'm SO stoked. I've been reading the comic series for well over a year now and finally caught up to date in May. So now, I look forward every month to that wonderful Wednesday when I can waltz on down to my comic shop and pick up the newest issue while fighting the urge to stand at the counter and read the entire thing. I hear they kind of frown on that.

I first heard of the series about a year and a half ago (which is when I started reading the comic books) right about the same time rumors were flying around about Showtime doing a series on the 100 Bullets comic book series. Now after all of the anticipation and slowly getting peeks at the show as they release new trailers it's finally going to be on!
TeeFury has a cool T-shirt today to celebrate some zombie awesome-ness, that way if you aren't a fan of wearing costumes you can still go out in style. I rarely ever wear a costume, but today I thought the shear fabulous-ness of what I'm wearing was worth mentioning. I'm going to a friends house tonight to watch "The Walking Dead" and I'm wearing a Buy More t-shirt that my mom got me.
You might be asking yourself, "why is that so fabulous?" 1) because "Chuck" is amazing. And 2) because where my friend and I work it's the perfect costume.
Happy Halloween to all of you celebrating it with Zombies and brains. If you're watching the show, enjoy, if not, why aren't you?!
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