Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So excited!

So guess what? I'll bet you'll never freaking guess because I never would have guessed it myself! But guess anyway. Have a guess? I'M FREAKING MOVING INTO MY OWN PLACE ON FRIDAY!

AAAAHHHHH! I'M SO EXCITED! It may just be a little one bedroom, two-story house, but it's MY one bedroom, two-story house.

A few weeks ago I decided it was time to move out and get my own place. My grandmother and I have been driving each other crazy and I'm just plain ready to be on my own. I have been ready for years but things just never worked out that way until now. I actually have a steady well paying job and the place I'm moving into is ridiculously affordable.

Since I was approved to move in I have been hardcore stalking the appliance and furniture sections on CraigsList. In case you didn't know this about me, I am one of the BIGGEST online bargain shoppers, I never pay full price for anything. For instance, just this week I got a fridge and a stove for a hundred bucks. A HUNDRED BUCKS! Not a hundred bucks each, not a hundred bucks and change, just a hundred bucks.

Getting everything ready for when I move into my house has made me feel like "Little Betty Homemaker" but I'm loving it. I don't care, I can't wait to move in and start decorating. Me, decorating!

So that's what I've been up to these past couple weeks and why such a long silence on my blog. I'm not even close to being done packing but that's because rather than just packing everything up I've been going through everything and getting rid of all the stuff I don't want to keep anymore. Fun stuff.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Water for Elephants

A couple years ago a friend in class recommended I read a book called Water for Elephants, claiming it was her all time favorite book. So with a small amount of interest I picked the book up thinking it would be a casual read but instead I instantly fell in love with it, finishing the book in a couple days.

Today, to my complete surprise I was browsing a book store when I saw it was #1 on NYTimes Paperback best-seller list and printed down on the lower corner of the cover was "Now a Major Motion Picture". Five little words that can instantaneously strike fear and hope into a book lovers heart. Fear, that someone will go and ruin a story you love for a few extra dollars, and hope, that maybe it will be done properly and you will get to see a wonderful world come to life.

After running home and jumping on IMDB.com, I have to say my fear has been assuaged and my hope is in full blossom after seeing this trailer:

I have to say I am actually quite excited for this movie, it looks amazingly well done.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Lazy Day

Today, this was my anthem. And it was a wonderful day. I slept, I read, I played xbox, I read some more, I ate what I wanted, I didn't answer my phone when it said work was calling, I slept some more, I stayed up late. It was my fucking day and I owned it!

My work likes to call me to cover shifts, a lot. Part of it is my fault because usually I say "yes" when they call. But when I worked eight days with only one day off, I was starting to run a little ragged and I began to get tired of hearing "oh hey, I know it's your day off but can you work tomorrow?" So today, when I finally got a day off, I refused to do anything that involved leaving the house, getting out of bed, heck if I felt I even had to move too much I wasn't doing it.

And I'm off to be absolutely unproductive some more.